You earn badges by accumulating points through platform activities. The points you earn qualify you for different level badges.
Here’s how you can earn points toward Badges:
Logging InYou may accumulate point on multiple logins in a single week. Each successful login award 5 points. Multiple logins within a 60-minute period will still be treated as a single login.

Each comment within a discussion awards the user 5 points.

Successful completion of a Unit will award the user with 10 points.
This is a one-time award and will not be granted even if the user repeats the Unit.

Successful completion of a course will award the user with 50 points.

Successful completion of a test will award the user with 15 points multiplied by the test score.
If you score 10/10 in your test, you will be awarded 150 points (10 x 15)